Can You Shave in Bathtub?

People add bathtubs in their bathrooms to take a bath and shave. Steam from the warm water makes your skin softer.

Can You Shave in Bathtub? You can shave in the bathtub because steam can make your skin smooth, and the razor glides easily on it without causing cuts. However, it is better to avoid this because scum formation and hair accumulation cause the clogging of drains. Moreover, it is challenging to hold razors in water, lather also washes out, and it becomes difficult to clean the bathtub.

You can easily sit on the boundary of the bathtub and shave, as it is less tiring. It is better to sit on the dry part to avoid slipping.

Is it safe to shave in bathtubs?

Shaving in bathtubs with wet skin rather than dry skin is safe. Water exposure can make the skin softer and exfoliate the pores.

Hair is also easy to remove, and razors glide smoothly on soft and smooth skin. In addition, exposure to warm water stimulates the pores and opens them.

You need less effort to remove hair with open pores and hair follicles due to steam. In addition, you do not need to move towards the tape to remove the lather.

You can easily wash the lather formation with water from the bathtub tap. Moreover, many people face burning, itching, and irritation issues on the skin due to razors.

You can get rid of these situations by washing them with warm water. Warm water reduces irritation and also makes you feel comfortable.

How do you shave in the bathtub?

Sit on the side of the bathtub and hold your leg up to put it on the side boundary. Moreover, you can also sit on the boundary and fold your legs to reach the lower part.

Apply the shaving foam to smooth the surface for easy gliding of razors without nicks and cuts. The steam also comes on your legs when you sit on the boundary.

It is necessary to move the razors slowly and in the proper direction. Take a bowl of warm water and put it near you to prevent drain clogging.

Wash the razors and remove hair by dipping them in the warm water bowl. The warm water removes the hair from the blade and cleans it for further use.

Why should you avoid shaving in the bathtub?

You can shave in bathtubs, but you can avoid doing so because it can cause more damage than providing benefits. It is a fun and relaxing procedure but can also worsen the situation.

Scum formation

Scum is a hard solid structure that can clog the drains of the bathtubs and cause an issue in water movement.

The soapy texture of the shaving foam when it comes in contact with water forms hard scum. You can see this hard structure when minerals in hard water react with the fats of the shaving foam.

In addition, scum also becomes larger when you do this consistently and completely block the drainage pipes.

Scum constricts the plumbing pipes, and water cannot move through them. Moreover, the mildews and molds also start to grow with it and cause complete blockage.

It is better not to shave in the bathtubs because it can cause more damage and overflow of water.

Hair clogs the drains

Hair is made up of keratin material that is hard to move from the drains. These can form a hard tuft when comes in contact with each other, which is hard to remove.

The tuft can form when you shave in the bathtub and clog the drains. As a result, the water cannot move further and stay in the tubs longer.

You need harsh and strong cleaning agents to break this strong tuft of hair damaging the plumbing system.

Water washes out the lather

People make the lather on the skin using shaving foam or gel to prevent cuts on the skin. Shaving forms create a thin layer on the skin, which acts as a barrier while using razors.

Lather also prevents burning and irritation on the skin. It also causes smooth movement of razors because of reduced friction on the skin.

The issue comes when you are shaving while sitting in the bathtub. The accidental spillage of water washes out the lather, making this procedure difficult.

The friction between the razors and skin increases when the smooth foamy layer is not present on them, which is risky.

Difficult to hold the razor

The proper handling of razors and their application in the correct direction is necessary to get rid of cuts and burning sensations.

Many times, the flow of water makes it difficult to hold them properly. The soapy water cause slippage in your hands, and you cannot hold them perfectly.

The razors start to slip from your hand due to soapy water.

Avoid shaving in water because submerged water causes their holding difficult.

How to unclog the bathtub drains after shaving?

The hair and soapy mixture contact are the worst combinations for clogging drains. It needs more effort because you have to unclog the drains to reduce the harm.

You can use drain cleaning liquids for this purpose, but these can be damaging to plastic or metal pipes.

You can use home-based products for this purpose that can dissolve the hard scum that is formed due to a mixture of hair and soap.

Mix the vinegar with a small amount of water and add lemons. The acetic acid in the vinegar causes unclogging f the blocked area.

You can use baking soda or ammonia if the issue persists. Ammonia has strong bleaching properties that break the hair’s keratin protein and easily dissolve them when you flush it with warm water.

Is it better to shave in the bath or shower? 

Shaving in bathtubs causes the threat of slipping, and razors can produce cuts on your skin. Accidental slippage can also cause injury to people and impose safety risks.

In addition, you have to clean them after doing this hectic procedure. Shaving in the shower is quite relaxing because you do not have to put extra effort into cleaning.

Moreover, continuous exposure to warm water reduces the burning and itching sensation. The steam from the warm water of the showers opens the pores, and it becomes easy to remove hair.

It is also better for people with sensitive skin who suffer from razor bumps. The water is the complete therapy and reduces the formation of the bumps.

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