Common Problems with Toilet Flush Valve

The toilet flush valve is responsible for moving bowl waste material into the draining system. It has two components, including a flapper seal and chain.

Common problems with toilet flush valve include broken valves, dirt and debris accumulation, improper tightening, and damaged flapper seal. Moreover, you can also face issues due to broken chains, incorrect size of chains, and hearing the sound of running water.

It is necessary to repair or replace the flush valve present in the cistern because it is the primary reason for water leakage through the bowl.

Toilet Flush Valve Problems Solution
Broken flush valve Replace the flush valve
Dirt and debris accumulation Clean with old toothbrush
Improper tightening of handle Tighten the nut with a wrench
Damaged flapper seal Replace flapper seal
Broken chain Replace broken chain or prevent it from rust
Size of chain Determine chain size and adjustment
The constant sound of running water Hire professional to inspect component

Broken toilet flush valve

This valve is made of plastic or brass material and has low durability. These do not last for a longer time and cause sudden leakage.

The plastic ones are more vulnerable to breaking than brass because of their hard texture. As a result, these valves can break down and cause continuous water leakage.

The overflow valve is connected to the base of the broken valves, and its primary function is to prevent water from overflowing.

It keeps the water in the bowl and prevents it from overflowing in the tank. However, the poor connection between the overflow and flush valve cause issue, and water drips from the sides of the cistern.

Wear and tear are common in these valves due to their frequent use. The more time you press the handle for flushing, the more chances there are of their breaking and being out of alignment.

You cannot repair the broken valves and must replace them. Detach the old ones from the bottom of the cistern after disconnecting the plumbing system, and then install new ones there.

Dirt and debris accumulation

The dirt debris and other materials accumulate on the toilet flush valve and inhibit its normal functioning.

The hard water from your home tanks has high levels of lime and calcium. This is because the valves are in long-term exposure to water, and you can see layers of calcium and lime on their surface.

The accumulation of the layers of limestone material reduces their working efficiency. You can feel the delay in flushing after pressing the push handle or button.

Moreover, the humid internal environment of the cistern is also a favorable place for mold growth.

As a result, the molds can surround the seals and chains of these flush valves and reduce their functioning.

Moreover, the water from the tanks is not completely pure and contains dust and dirt residues that can accumulate on the sides of these structures.

Remove the dirt, dust, algae, and mineral buildup from their surfaces. I prefer to use the old toothbrush to remove the mineral accumulation.

You need the vinegar solution for their proper cleaning ad breaking bonds of mineral and fungus species.

You can also use soapy and warm water to cleanse them. Dip them in a mixture of warm and soapy water and then rinse with warm water to remove soap residues.

Improper tightening of handle

The loose and improper tightening of flush valve handle screws causes water movement issues. The loose screws cannot engage the change for water flowing towards the bowl.

The screws of the handle are present on the inner side of the cistern. The loosening of these screws is common with age.

The pressing of the handle to flush the toilets during the day makes them loose. Therefore, it is necessary to tighten the nuts near the porcelain material quickly.

Turn off the shut-off valve and cut down the power supply. It is also necessary to empty the tank and remove water to tighten the screws.

Use the adjustable wrench to grasp the nuts and tighten them. Avoid overtightening because it can cause the breaking of their connected parts.

Damaged flapper seal

The Flapper seal is the component of the toilet flush valve, and it is helpful in their opening and closing. The connected chain helps open the flapper seal when you press the handle button.

The opening of the flapper seal allows the water movement for the flushing mechanism. These seals are also known as float balls made of rubber or neoprene material.

The flapper seals get damaged due to their frequent use and opening or closing mechanism. Moreover, dirt from water can also damage them.

The fungus can also surround these float balls and inhibit their functioning. Replace the damaged flapper seal.

Moreover, you can increase their durability after maintaining their cleanliness every month.

Broken chain

The chain is the primary component of the flush valve that connects the lever to the flapper seal. It is responsible for opening and closing the flapper seal.

It opens the flapper seal when you press the handle present on the upper side of the cistern for the flushing mechanism.

The chain is made of metal material and is more suspectable to damage. It rusts easily due to water and moisture in its surroundings.

The broken chain causes the seal to get stuck at the open and close positions. You can inspect the damaged chain by opening the water tank.

Replace the broken chains with a new one for the proper functioning of the flapper seal. Moreover, you can also increase their longevity by removing the corrosion from their surface.

Wrong size of chain

The chain size matters a lot for the opening and closing of float balls. These cannot properly open the seals and allow the flushing of water.

Sometimes the chain size is small, and you can see slow water flushing due to improper opening of the seal.

The long size of the metal chain can also keep them open and leads to water waste. Therefore, it is better to check the chain size when reinstalling the cistern flush valve as an aftermarket addition.

Moreover, you can also determine the metal chain’s size according to the toilets’ length and dimensions.

The constant sound of running water

Many times people face the issue of constant water running from their toilets due to faulty valves. The malfunctioning of these parts cannot control the water flow and cause this problem.

The water also seeps from the lower boundaries due to improper closing of the flapper seal and damaged chain.

You can hear the noise due to corroded chains that need more effort to open of float ball.

Moreover, you can hear uneven sounds while flushing the toilet because of loose valves and damaged metal chains.

It is better to inspect the inner valves of the cistern when you hear any noise from them. You can hire a professional plumber to detect damages in its parts.

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