How to Unclog a Toilet With Poop Still in It?

The toilet can get clogged by improper flushing and flushing the wrong items like tissue papers and sanitary items in it. The pipes of the draining systems are narrow and cannot hold the thick waste, and you can see a blockage problem.

How to Unclog a Toilet With Poop Still in It? You can unclog a toilet with poop still in it by using a plunger, flush brush, wired hangers, bleaching agents, wet or dry vacuum, commercial detergents, and carbonated beverages. In addition, you can use a toilet snake rod, a mixture of hot water with dishwashing soap, and baking soda with vinegar.

You can use the water pressure technique to unclog the toilet. Fill a bottle with warm water, fit it directly on the drain, and squeeze it with both hands to create pressure.

Plunger or flush brush

You can remove the clog from the toilets using plunger devices. This is helpful when you see the poop is still in the clogged toilet. These contain a round suction cup with an attached wooden and plastic stick for grasping.

Place the plunger on the bowl drain and move it up and down to create a vacuum. Gradually increase the speed of up and down movement and see if the poop disappears.

Flush the toilet when the drain becomes clear and you cannot see anything. Moreover, you can also use a toilet brush because of its broomed end.

People mostly use these brushes to remove stool stains from the bowl, but you can also use them for unblocking purposes. Insert the broom side of the brush into the drain and pull it up and down.

The brooms of the brush help in the breakdown of poop. It is the most convenient method because brushes are present in the bathroom and can easily force down large poop.

Wired hangers

The metal hanger is helpful to break down the large clogs and allow their easy movement through pipes. Take out the metal hanger from your wardrobes that is old and not in frequent use.

Use the pliers to unwind the hanger and create the loop at its ends. Using the ones with a plastic coating on the metal surface is better because wired hangers can produce scratches on the porcelain bowl.

Carefully use the wired hangers if these are not coated with plastic material. Insert it in the draining system and move it up and down to break the large poop.

Move it until you feel any obstruction in the pipes, and then flush the toilets using the handle of the cistern.

Bleaching agents

Bleaching contains ammonia-based chemicals that help remove large and stubborn clogs. In addition, it can dissolve the poop and break it into smaller sizes, so it can quickly move through the pipes.

It is a household chemical and cost-effective method to get rid of waste products. However, avoid direct pouring these harsh chemicals into the bowl because it can cause cracking and rough surfaces.

Dilute the ammonia solution with a minute amount of water to make it less concentrated for pipes. Pour the diluted solution into the drain, wait for a few minutes, and then flush the toilets.

Open the windows and doors and turn on the exhaust fans to remove fumes of bleaching agents from the bathroom because these are toxic.

Use a wet or dry vacuum

Wet and dry vacuuming is helpful to remove the poop from the toilets that are causing clogging. However, these devices are costly, and you cannot purchase them because of their less use.

You can take them on rent and return them after use and paying their rent. It is necessary to empty the drains and remove water from them.

Do this procedure carefully and wear plastic gloves because contaminated water splashes come on your body and cloth. Remove the water from the drains of the bowl using a hose and cover it with a rag.

Insert the vacuum nozzle in the drain and keep it lower before starting it. The procedure helps unblock the waste pipes and easily removes large stools in the bowl.

Commercial detergents and chemicals

You can use commercial detergents and chemicals to remove clogs from the toilets. You can try these methods when you cannot remove the poop with tools and home-based techniques.

These commercial detergents contain strong reactive chemicals that can cause the disintegration and breakdown of solid waste material.

The strong chemical reaction breakdown the stool, and these can move through the pipes. Therefore, it is better to use chemicals that contain biodegradable enzymes.

These enzyme-based toilet cleaners are less harsh but most effective in removing large clogs. Avoid using these ready-to-use chemicals frequently because these are harsh and can cause damage to the bowl and pipes.

Carbonated beverages and plastic foil

You can use carbonated beverages for de-clogging purposes. It is a less costly procedure because of the price, these beverages, and their easy availability in homes.

Take a few cups of carbonated beverages from the bottle and pour them into the bowl drain. Cover the lid with plastic foil to create pressure and fasten the chemical reaction.

Carbonated beverages contain phosphoric acid, which is helpful in de-clogging purposes. Keep the lid cover for a few minutes, and you can see a breakdown of stool into a smaller size.

Flush the toilets to remove these tiny particles and allow their easy movement in waste pipes.

Try toilet snake rod

Toilet snake rods are also called toilet augers, and these have snake-like mechanisms. This tool has a snake-like mechanism and appearance that allow the water to move freely and unblock the pipes.

These are better than metal hangers because of their specific shape, and you can purchase them if they are unavailable in your home.

Insert the auger tools into the drains until you face any resistance. Then, gently move the augers up and down to break down the waste material, causing a pipe blockage.

Repeat this procedure until the breaking and loosening of large poop and then take them out and allow toilets to flush.

Hot water with dishwashing soap or shampoo

The dishwashing soap contains chemicals that help break large poop that causes toilet clogging. In addition, the hot water helps dissolve the waste material for its easy movement through pipes.

Take a large bowl and add warm water or dishwashing soap to it. Pour the mixture into the bowl’s opening and leave it for a few minutes.

The slippery ingredients in dishwashing soaps are beneficial for lubrication and easy movement of large stools.

You can see the breaking of waste material after a few minutes of pouring this mixture. Flush with pressurized water to remove these tiny particles at the end and clear the drains.

In addition, you can also use shampoo instead of dishwashing soap because it contains strong chemicals, surfactants, and lauryl sulfate that help dissolve waste materials.

Baking soda with vinegar

It is the less costly method because baking soda and vinegar are household items, and you do not have to purchase anything from stores.

Mix baking soda with vinegar and pour it into the drain. If the clogging is severe, you can also add warm water to the draining system.

Avoid using boiling water because it can decrease the effectiveness of baking soda. Instead, add a mixture of vinegar and baking soda, and you can see bubble formation.

The chemical reaction between these two ingredients helps dissolve the waste material and allows their further movement. You can also try the plastic foil method to increase the effectiveness of the baking soda and vinegar mixture.

Add the mixture to the draining system of the toilet and cover it. It is a suitable method for stubborn poop that is hard to break.

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